Happy Mid Summer Solstice
23 June 2020
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Happy Mid Summer! This weeks marks the height of summer in the Northern Hemisphere with the longest days! In the Northern countries they celebrate the summer as a blessing to make up for the long nights during winter. There are festivities, bonfires to drive away the evil spirits and cleanse the earth. Parades, dances, parties, food and drink to eat. Flowers also being plentiful is used to decorate houses and brighten up the place. Watch my video as I show you the traditions of summer
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Not so scary. Maybe the long days keep the spirits at bay. Makes you feel like you want to go out and experience the lovely days. Don’t forget to press the Like button if you enjoyed this YouTube episode, and if you haven’t already, subscribe and click on the bell so you won’t miss out on future episodes.
Till next time, Happy Mid Summer, and stay well and happy.
Tom Scott