News from 25 October 2017
25 October 2017
Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop.
A shop where you can get enchanted things. But, beware where they’re come from.
We’re getting closer to the Launch of our premier episode, Perfect Picture, on the 2 November.
We’ve launched a couple of Teasers to entice people to join us. You may see these on Facebook and Youtube. Let us know if you do as we’d like to know it’s getting out there.
The first is in the style of the old 1950s horror sci fi film trailers. The second in the style of the mysterious bouncing ball!
Enjoy the Teasers. Click on the link below the pictures to view them (or copy and paste in your brouser.) We’ll be telling you more of our premiere eposde in our next update.
Thanks for coming on the ride.
Ball https://youtu.be/YC2x_VLVvx4
The Bric a Brac Shop