News from 19 November 2017
19 November 2017
Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – webseries
A shop where you can get enchanted things. But, beware where they’re come from.
I am proud to announce that we also have on board Naomi Paxton to also write for us. She is well know on the Edinburgh Fringe, being a researcher, writer, performer, and creator of her alter personality Ada Campe.
Being known for her comic performances of Ada Campe, Naomi is also known for her research and contribution to the Women’s Suffragette Movement, and has been advisor on the film, ‘Suffragette’ starring Meryl Streep and Helena Bonham Carter. With her versatility it will be exciting to see what sort of episode she comes up with for our series.
Again we can’t do it without your contributions. Please go to our Indiegogo crowd funding page on our website where you can help.
Thanks for joining us on this journey.
Thomas Scott
The Bric a Brac Shop