
Dr Masaru Emoto’s Water and Rice Experiment



29 September 2020


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

Have you heard of the Dr Masaru Emoto’s water experiment and rice experiment? He found took water samples from different water sources and studied their molecular structures. Found they were different from the water that came from polluted sources.

Then he took the study a bit further by sending his thoughts to the water – good thoughts and bad thoughts. The results were incredible with the changed molecular structures from the good thoughts and the bad thoughts. Thoughts are vibrations and we can change things with our vibrations.

This is also proven with the rice experiment. Three samples of rice each one submitted with thoughts (or vibrations or frequencies) of love, hate, and neutral for a month. It showed the results of the effects of each of the intentions. Just shows that our thoughts have power. More in the video.

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

What do you think? You could even try the experiment at home.

Just be aware of your thoughts and what you put out there as they all have an effect.

Have you had any similar experiences with thoughthttps://61269-s3qnz-yvl4t1nhv9-dlp.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=TRACK1s? Manifesting? Or even with any paranormal experiences? If you’d like to tell us your story let me know. You can also do this anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at the emial address below.

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

As a special bonus, if you haven’t accessed it yet, we have a FREE online TAROT reading for you. I’ve managed to arrange this for my readers. Just click this link: FREE TAROT READING

Chakra Energizer T-Shirts: https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

For our introductory 20% discount offer, including shipping and taxes – Enter INTRO2020 at checkout.

The Shop: https://tinyurl.com/BaBS-Shop

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







Ghostly Interview with Jimi – Part 2



26 September 2020


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

Have you had an encounter with an evil spirit? Jimi has. We continue our interview with Jimi on his encounters with three ghosts. Our last video he spoke how he encountered his first while on work experience in a boiler room. The second was about a year later while walking in his home town he saw someone that had passed over! You can still watch that interview; the link is below.

Now we have Part 2 of Jimi’s interview with his encounter with a malevolent spirit.

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

What do you think? What are your views on ghosts and spirits? Have you had any encounters? Let me know in the comments below.

In fact, you have any stories or encounters with the ghosts, spirits, or paranormal and would like to reveal them (even anonymously) let us know. Contact us from the info@thebricabracshop.com below.

Hope you found the video interesting. Don’t forget to click the Like button. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

As a special bonus, if you haven’t accessed it yet, we have a FREE online TAROT reading for you. I’ve managed to arrange this for my readers. Just click this link: FREE TAROT READING

Click here to Part 1 of Jimi’s Ghostly Interview:  https://youtu.be/ZIf4Xs1BLko

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







Ghostly Interview With Jimi



23 September 2020


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

Have you had a paranormal experience? I spoke to Jimi this week on his experience with three ghostly encounters!

When he was growing up he encountered a spirit where he was having work experience. The second was in his home town where he saw someone that had died. Then the third, while he was on holiday and met a spirit you could describe as malevolent!

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

What do you think? Have you had any experiences? Can you relate to Jimi’s story? As usual let me know in the comments.

Also if you have any ghostly stories you’d like to share, get in touch. Also if you’d prefer to be anonymous, that’s possible too. It’s interesting to see how everyone’s experience is similar or different. There are more ways than what we see in the movies.

Don’t forget to click the Like button. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

As a special bonus, if you haven’t accessed it yet, A FREE online TAROT reading. I’ve managed to arrange this for my readers.

Just click this link: FREE TAROT READING

Let me know how it goes.

In the mean time, stay well and happy.


Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







The Rider-Waite Tarot Cards – The Most Popular



3 September 2020


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – paranormal webseries.

Have you ever that your cards read? As in the Tarot cards? There are many. However the most popular is the A.E.Waites Tarot deck, illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith. They came at a time when their pictures had so much detail and symbolisms painted into them making their interpretation easier to decipher.

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

Have you had your cards read by the A.E.Waites Tarot deck? Hope you found the video interesting. Don’t forget to click the Like button. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Chakra Energizer T-Shirts: https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

For our introductory 20% discount offer, including shipping and taxes – Enter INTRO2020 at checkout.

The Shop: https://tinyurl.com/BaBS-Shop

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







The Little Ghost Girl



27 August 2020


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – paranormal webseries. Have you ever had voices in your head? Surely you thought that was you thinking. But, what if that was actually you chatting away to something else? An entity, spirit, or Guardian Angel? That was my experience that really introduced me to the world of the paranormal and to Spirituality.

I explain more in my video

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

What do you think? Have you had any strange experiences? If you’d like to tell us your story let me know. You can also do this anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at the emial address below.

Don’t forget to click the like button. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Chakra Energizer T-Shirts: https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

For our introductory 20% discount offer, including shipping and taxes – Enter INTRO2020 at checkout.

The Shop: https://tinyurl.com/BaBS-Shop

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop








Brompton Cemetery with A Time Machine and Suicides but…



13 August 2020


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – paranormal webseries.

Brompton Cemetery one of the ‘Magnificent Seven’ cemeteries surrounding London created in the mid 1800s. Hardly any records of ghosts or spirits, though there is the legend of the Courtoy Time Machine supposedly disguised as the Courtoy Mausoleum.

Also why does Brompton Cemetery attract so many suicides? Even I came across one when I visited the cemetery for my research.

With such events you would think ghosts and spirits prevail. However being open to the public as a thoroughfare, that could be the secret. Join me as we have a look around Brompton Cemetery.

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

What do you think? Why are there hardly any reports if any of spirits and ghosts in Brompton Cemetery. Have you ever visited it and if so what were your feelings? If you’ve enjoyed the video click the like button. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you’ll get notified each time I do release a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Also have a look at our new online shop. Bit bare but we’re stocking up. Any suggestions welcomed. At the moment a special introductory offer that includes shipping and tax.

Chakra Energizer T-Shirts: https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

For our introductory 20% discount offer – Quote INTRO2020 at checkout.

The Shop: https://tinyurl.com/BaBS-Shop

Stay well and happy.


Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop










The Memory in my Object



1 August 2020


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – paranormal webseries.

I was tidying my room and about to throw a few things out when some certain things started to bring back memories! They were cherished memories. In fact it was just a cardboard box and brought back the memories of it belong to my Mum, and when I was a child. In fact I think I still have it around somewhere but the box felt so special as it unlocked a whole vault of memories. Obviously I couldn’t throw the box away and kept it again.

Why do we do this? I suppose it’s the same as memories created with emotion, and stored in the mind. Later the mind retrieves the memory when the right trigger comes along to recall it. Which makes me wonder, will I throw out the memory if I throw out the box and don’t have the memory trigger any more?

However, is this the same as psychometry? Psychometry is the unofficial science of being able to read, or sense, the energy of an object. The object here however has absorbed the energy and contains the experience and surrounding energies that it’s been exposed to. Some people are able to sense or read them.

We don’t know yet how this happens. Ancient cultural traditions say that if we focus enough we can send our energies into the object. Then the object will have the energies and even radiate it later.

Brown the Illusionist in one of his episodes carried out an interesting experiment. He wanted to see if we created our own luck. He placed a statue of a dog and said it was lucky. People would go up to it, rub its nose, and people would say they got lucky! Was this mind over matter, or everyone’s belief that it was lucky actually energised it so it did bring good luck to those touching it?

Can we energise things? After all there are priest blessings? Blessing an object so only good comes of it. And the blessing of water which has been proven by a Japanese scientist. Talking to the water and blessing it, actually changes the water molecules changing their structure. So the Holly water which has been blessed; is it now special?

Showing that our thoughts have power. Can we energise objects as well? Random objects that are haunted or possessed are they really energised with someone’s initial intentions? Or have absorbed their owners or surrounding energies? There are countless stories.

So my box, my memories? Or have I now energised it as well. Will someone with the power be able to pick it up and sense my memories in it?

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

What are your thoughts? Don’t forget to like the episode on YouTube and subscribe if you haven’t done so already. Click the notification bell so YouTube will let know every time I release a new video.

Keep well and happy!



Tom Scott 


The Bric a Brac Shop







Comet Neowise – Symbol of Good Luck or Evil​?


17 July 2020


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – paranormal webseries.

Have you seen the comet in the sky? NEOWISE. Discovered from the Neowise telescope. It’s a once in a life time event as it orbits every 6800 years! Should be able to see it in the night sky just after sunset and before dawn. Mainly from the northern hemisphere. Look north west and 20 degrees up. Should be located under The Big Dipper, travelling in a westerly direction. Cant miss it due to its tail. Should be viewable till the beginning of August. I remember seeing a comet as a child. It’s sight to behold.

Though some people think they bring bad luck? What do you think with what the world has been facing this year?

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

If you’ve enjoyed the video click the like button. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you’ll get notified each time I do release a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Also have a look at our new online shop. Bit bare but we’re stocking up. Any suggestions welcomed. At the moment a special introductory offer that includes shipping and tax.

Chakra Energizer T-Shirts: https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

For our introductory 20% discount offer – Quote INTRO2020 at checkout.

The Shop: https://tinyurl.com/BaBS-Shop

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







The Haunted Cobblestone & The Lady from the Grave



6 July 2020


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – paranormal webseries.

Now that Lcckdown is easying up, you may want to wander to Frederick Place in London. A very small street named after John Frederick, a mayor of London in the 1600s. As well as being where Edwin Waterhouse and Benjamin Disraeli worked it is where the Lady who came back from the grave used to live. Also where the haunted cobblestone was found. Apparently taking the past energies with it to it’s new owners. As I say objects do absorb it’s surroundings. Have a look in my latest video.

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

Hope you find this interesting and something to think about. If you’ve enjoyed it click the like button. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you’ll get notified each time I do release a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Also have a look at our new Energizing Chakra range of T-Shirts. Exclusively designed for the shop. At the moment a special introductory offer that includes shipping and tax.

Chakra Energizer T-Shirts: https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts
For our introductory 20% discount offer – Quote INTRO2020 at checkout.
The Shop: https://tinyurl.com/BaBS-Shop


Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







Happy Mid Summer Solstice



23 June 2020


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – paranormal webseries.

Happy Mid Summer! This weeks marks the height of summer in the Northern Hemisphere with the longest days! In the Northern countries they celebrate the summer as a blessing to make up for the long nights during winter. There are festivities, bonfires to drive away the evil spirits and cleanse the earth. Parades, dances, parties, food and drink to eat. Flowers also being plentiful is used to decorate houses and brighten up the place. Watch my video as I show you the traditions of summer

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

Not so scary. Maybe the long days keep the spirits at bay. Makes you feel like you want to go out and experience the lovely days. Don’t forget to press the Like button if you enjoyed this YouTube episode, and if you haven’t already, subscribe and click on the bell so you won’t miss out on future episodes.

Till next time, Happy Mid Summer, and stay well and happy.


Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop



