
Melissa Amos explains the Akashic Records



27 May 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

The Akashic records are the celestial library that holds everything that has happened to every living thing. All the data from all lives past, present, and future.

There are some that are able to read this records. We talk to Melissa Amos who is an Empowerer, and healer, and can access these records to help people dealing with certain situations that may have been the results of what they have done in a past life.

Have you had any encounter or healings from the Akashic Records?

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

Melissa is available healing work. Even if you just want to have a look at her social media platorms, her details are

Emal: hello@melissa-amos.com

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If you have had any experiences you’d like to tell us, paranormal, mysterious, or other, please get in touch. I‘d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at: info@thebricabracshop.com

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Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







Matthew Hopkins – Witch Hunter or Fraudster?



22 May 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

The Witch Finder General! A name that sounds like it should be in a TV series. That’s the name that Matthew Hopkins named himself. Giving himself the job to hunt down witches, with his associate John Stearne.

Not that much is known about Matthew Hopkins. We think he was born around 1620. The son of a Puritan Clergyman and vicar of St.John of Great Wenham in Sulfolk. From his inheritance he set himself up as a gentleman and bought The Thorn Inn in Mistley. Some people considered him a lawyer from the way he conducted himself however there is no evidence he was.

He started his career as a witch hunter when his colleague John Stearne over heard some women speaking about their meetings with the Devil in March 1644 in Manningtree. Hopkins first victim was Elizabeth Clarke, an 80 year old woman with one leg, old and poor. In 1645, twenty three women were tried of witchcraft in Chelmsford.

This was their start of their business to track down and hunt out witches. Hopkins based many of his investigations on the ‘Daemonologie of King James’, and not on ‘maleficium’, which is ‘magical acts to cause harm to people or property’, but on making a covenant with the Devil.

Making a pack with the Devil was hearsay, and was the worst crime, and so had their own legal procedures. They would look for the ‘Devil’s Mark’ which was a mole, birthmark, extra nipple, breast, or a part that was dead to feeling and wouldn’t bleed if pricked.

The accused were force to sleep depreciation, or to walk their cells continuously, till they confessed. In some cases it was the ‘swimming test’. They were tied to a chair and thrown into the water. If they floated they were a witch. The idea that if they renounced their baptism the water would reject them and so they would float.

In 1646 there was opposition when John Gaule, the vicar of Great Staughton of Huntingdonshire began to question Hopkin’s practices. He wrote to parliament, wrote a publication on it, and mentioned it in his sermons to put a stop to the witch hunts. Also with all their knowledge on witchcraft maybe they were delving into the dark arts themselves? By the time Hopkins and Stearne were to be investigated they had retired.

In the two years Hopkins was in operation he had sent 200-300 people to be executed. That was about 60% of all witch executions since 1487 in just two years.

He wrote his book The Discovery of Witches (1647) which certainly started the trials and executions in New England. He ended up dying from tuberculous at home in Manningtree on 12 August 1647. John Stearne lived to 60 dying in 1670.

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What do you think?  Was Matthew Hopkins ridding the country of witches for the good, or was he ust a fraudster?  Write your comments.

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If you have had any experiences you’d like to tell us, paranormal, mysterious, or other, please get in touch. I‘d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at: info@thebricabracshop.com

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop








History and Ghosts of Lambeth Palace



6 May 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

Lambeth Palace, located on the South Bank of the river Thames, almost opposite the Houses of Parliament. Has been a palace for over 800 years. The oldest remaining part of the buildings building dating back to 1435-40.

Not many sightings but more paranormal activity. Though there has been crying heard in the crypt, maybe someone crying over someone that has passed and now etched in the walls? The strange occurrence of the door that locks and unlocks in Lollardss’ Tower, or is that just a faulty mechanism?

Probably the most actual ghost sighting was of that of Mercy Weller, the headmistress from St.Mary’s Infant School, that the Garden Museum bought.  Used to be seen wandering through the room

Have you head of any other stories about he Palace and the Garden Museum?

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If you have enjoyed this and would like to contribute to a drink, or more, it’ll be greatly appreciated, and you will be helping the channel.   https://www.buymeacoffee.com/TomfromTheShop

Don’t forget to visit our affiliate shop, The Psychic Tree. They are UK #1 Spiritual Shop with a wide range of spiritual products. You’ll be able to even get protection! THE PSYCHIC TREE

Take a look at our Bric a Brac Shop for the Chakra Energiser T-Shirt range. To help align your energies with your chakras. https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

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If you have had any experiences you’d like to tell us, paranormal, mysterious, or other, please get in touch.  I’d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer.  Just contact me at: info@thebricabracshop.com

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







What is Abraham Hicks?



27 April 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

What is Abraham Hicks? He is actually the entities that Esther Hicks channel to tell us about this world. That it is a vibrational realm and we can create our own reality.

Abraham Hicks was the original source for the book, The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. Oprah follows the teachings of Abraham, and even interviewed Esther Hicks on being the original Secret.

Abraham Hicks is one of the many methods of manifesting, having developed their Five Step Process. It also seems to hold the missing key to manifesting. That is to stay in the right vibration or frequency to attract what you want.

1. Ask

2. Source listens

3. Source delivers

4. Staying in the right vibration to receive

5. Keeping in the right vibration to continue

Have you heard of Abraham Hicks? What is your level of manifesting?

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Don’t forget to visit our affiliate shop, The Psychic Tree. They are UK #1 Spiritual Shop with a wide range of spiritual products. You’ll be able to even get protection! THE PSYCHIC TREE

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If you have had any experiences you’d like to tell us, paranormal, mysterious, or other, please get in touch. I‘d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at: info@thebricabracshop.com

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







Rachael-The Psychic: On Spirits and Past Lives



17 April 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

We speak to Rachael again. She is a psychic, knows palmistry, tarot cards, and what happens to the spirit when someone dies, and about reincarnation.

The soul and the spirit are different entities. The soul stays in the spirit realm for a few years before being born again. Usually into the same family. Our conversation reveals more.

Have you had any similar experiences? Do let us know.

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

As mentioned in our video here are our links:

If you would like to contact Rachael:
Membership site – www.mypsychicdevelopment.com


Phone lines website – www.romanyenchantments.com


FB Group


Also it you would like to contribute to a drink, or more, you will be helping the channel and you’ll be greatly appreciated.


Visit our affiliate shop, The Psychic Tree. They are UK #1 Spiritual Shop with a wide range of spiritual products. You’ll be able to even get protection! THE PSYCHIC TREE

Take a look at our Bric a Brac Shop for the Chakra Energiser T-Shirt range. To help align your energies with your chakras. https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

Join our FB community where like minded people like you can mix and share your thoughts: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thebricabracshop

If you have had any experiences you’d like to tell us, paranormal, mysterious, or other, please get in touch. I’d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at: info@thebricabracshop.com

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







Reincarnation Exists



13 April 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

Reincarnation – the process of dying and being born again in another body. Though part of the belief system for Asian religions, it has been lost in the western culture. Most western religions don’t recognise it, with the Catholic Church when it was being formed in the 5th century actually omitted the Book of Reincarnation.

However today more people are becoming aware and opened to the idea of reincarnation. It is open to critics who would disprove it. Though there has been extensive research into it by Dr Ian Stevenson and Dr Jim Tucker, so much that the University of Virginia claims that, ‘After forty years of research and over 2500 investigations they can conclude that reincarnation exists’.

Their investigations have been children, both in western cultures and Asian. Children as they still have the memories of their past lives. There are numerous accounts found on the internet with uncanny knowledge of facts of lives and events that they would not have had any access to.

How do you explain it? What do you think?

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Don’t forget to visit our affiliate shop, The Psychic Tree. They are UK #1 Spiritual Shop with a wide range of spiritual products. You’ll be able to even get protection! THE PSYCHIC TREE

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If you have had any experiences you’d like to tell us, paranormal, mysterious, or other, please get in touch. I‘d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at: info@thebricabracshop.com

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







The Banshee – Harbinger of Death



4 April 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

The Banshee. The angel of death? Not quite. She doesn’t bring death just forewarns of it. The Banshee goes back to ancient Irish folklore of the fairies.

In fact she’s quite exclusive, usually just appearing to members of ancient and noble Irish families. Some say she’s a past ancestor of the family coming to warn that someone’s time is up and to prepare for the transition to the other realm. Not to be feared but as a guidance to prepare.

She sometimes appears as a young woman, usually someone died early from murder or childbirth, but mostly she appears as an old woman with long grey hair which she is combing.

At night she can be heard wailing or shrieking. It is a usually a sign that if anyone sees or hears her that there will be a death soon.

What are your thoughts?

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As mentioned in our video here are our links:

Visit our affiliate shop. The Psychic Tree.  They are UK #1 Spiritual Shop with a wide range of spiritual products. You’ll be able to even get protection! THE PSYCHIC TREE

Take a look at our Bric a Brac Shop for the Chakra Energiser T-Shirt range. To help align your energies with your chakras. https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

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Also it you would like to contribute to a drink, or more, you will be helping the channel and you’ll be greatly appreciated.


If you have had any experiences you’d like to tell us, paranormal, mysterious, or other, please get in touch. I’d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at: info@thebricabracshop.com

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







We Speak To a Reiki Master On Energy Healing



27 March 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

What is Reiki? It is the Japanese energy healing. It is healing from the Universe through the hands. Placing the hands over parts of the body to carry out the healing. It is can also be preformed remotely.

It was started by Dr Mikao Usui from the 1880s.

We speak to Rachael who is a Reiki Master. How she practices Reiki, with ‘hands on’ and also remotely, and with tradional symbols. Reiki is an automatic spiritual protection.

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

What do think? Have you experienced Reiki? Comment below.

As mentioned in our video here are the links:

If you would like to get in touch with Rachael:



Psychic Phone lines – www.romanyenchantments.com


FB Group


Don’t forget to visit our affiliate shop, The Psychic Tree. They are

UK #1 Spiritual Shop with a wide range of spiritual products. You’ll be able to even get protection! THE PSYCHIC TREE

Take a look at our Bric a Brac Shop for the Chakra Energiser T-Shirt range. To help align your energies with your chakras. https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

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Also it you would like to contribute to a drink, or more, you will be helping the channel and you’ll be greatly appreciated.


If you have had any experiences you’d like to tell us, paranormal, mysterious, or other, please get in touch. I’d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at: info@thebricabracshop.com

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







Atuk: The Most Cursed Film



22 March 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

What is the most cursed film? There have been films that have been plagued through the ages of cinema. It’s probably debatable which is the most cursed, and probably everyone would have their opinion. However Atuk has quite a list.

All the actors contracted to play the main character has died within a short time of being signed up. Every actor! What a track record!

Also a few others connected wth it have also died.

Some say it is the story. It’s been changed from the script and has upset something. However it seems just a small changes as the story is similar to the original novel, The Incomparable Atuk.

The book came out back in1963. A few things were changed like locations. In the script a girl, Michelle, visits Alaska to set up an advertising campaign for a real estate company. She meets Atuk who is a native Inuit and a traditional trapper and hunter. He ends up following her back to New York and meets the real estate and property developers. He finds out they are to redevelop the Alaskan country side and goes out to stop it. An eco friendly environmental film not only for back in 1977 when the script was written, but holds out very much for today.

The theme is still very much the same as the book, however why this curse to stop the making of the film? What are your thoughts on this? Any reason a film could be cursed so not to be made?

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As mentioned in our video here are our links:

Visit our affiliate shop, The Psychic Tree. They are UK #1 Spiritual Shop with a wide range of spiritual products. You’ll be able to even get protection! THE PSYCHIC TREE

Take a look at our Bric a Brac Shop for the Chakra Energiser T-Shirt range. To help align your energies with your chakras. https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

Join our FB community where like minded people like you can mix and share your thoughts: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thebricabracshop

Also it you would like to contribute to a drink, or more, you will be helping the channel and you’ll be greatly appreciated.


If you have had any experiences you’d like to tell us, paranormal, mysterious, or other, please get in touch. I’d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at: info@thebricabracshop.com

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







Speaking to Timea on Premonitions and Dreams



14 March 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

Have you had a premonition or a precognitive dream? According to the magazine Psychology Today half the population has experienced some form of premonition.

We speak to Timea on her experiences with collective dreams and her accuracy with her premonitions.

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

What do think? Have you had any experiences with sensing the future? Let us know below, or contact us and we can feature you in a video, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact us at: info@thebricabracshop.com

Timea is also a Life and Business Coach. If you would like advice or just to follow Timea, here are her links:
Facebook profile:

Facebook group

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Don’t forget to visit our affiliate shop, The Psychic Tree. They are UK #1 Spiritual Shop with a wide range of spiritual products. THE PSYCHIC TREE

Take a look at our Bric a Brac Shop for the Chakra Energiser T-Shirt range. To help align your energies with your chakras. https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

Join our FB community where like minded people like you can mix and share your thoughts: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thebricabracshop

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop




