What I Found With Randonautica
18January 2021
Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.
Have you gone Randonautiing yet? That’s the new app that you can download onto your phone. Launched about a year ago now. You put out your intention, generate the coordinates, and it will direct you to your intention.
How good is it? Is it just a numbers generator? You can see on Tik Tok, Reddit, and Youtube, videos of people going on hunts to find what they’ve put out there in their intention. Though, usually a lot of people’s intentions have been on the darker side, like for creepy, scary, blood, death! What about the good positive ones?
I decided to give it a try. You can watch the video and see how I went. Have you had any experience with it? Were you successful?
Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video
If you have had experience and would like to tell us about it, get in touch. We’d love to interview you. Also if you have had any other experiences like paranormal or mysterious, or any other. Just contact me at the email address below. Info@thebricabracshop.com
Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.
As a special bonus, if you haven’t accessed it yet, we have a FREE online TAROT reading for you. I’ve managed to arrange this for my readers. Just click this link: FREE TAROT READING
Stay well and happy.
Tom Scott