
We Speak To Rachael On Being A Psychic


9 March 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

According to Wikipedia a Psychic ‘is a person who claims to use extrasensory perception to identify information hidden from the normal senses, particularly involving telepathy or clairvoyance’.

Psychics, depending on what they’re attuned to can actually use their senses to connect to the spirit world. They can communicate with those on the other side and some are guided with their spirit guides who can help them with telling things that they would not have otherwise have known.

We speak to Rachael who is a Psychic since she was a child. From her first spirit guide to various other guides through her life. Her main spirit guide now is her grandmother. She tells us how it started. What she can sense, and what she can do.

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

What do think? Have you had any strange psychic experiences? Comment below or if you’d like to share your experience in an interview, please get in touch: info@thebricabracshop.com

You can also get in contact with Rachael through the following links, as mentioned in the video.

Membership site



Phone lines website



Facebook Group

Don’t forget to visit our affiliate shop, The Psychic Tree. They are UK #1 Spiritual Shop with a wide range of spiritual products. You’ll be able to even get protection from there! THE PSYCHIC TREE

Take a look at our Bric a Brac Shop for the Chakra Energiser T-Shirt range. To help align your energies with your chakras. https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

Join our Facebook community where like minded people like you can mix and share your thoughts: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thebricabracshop

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







Was This Man An Apparition?



28 February 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

Ever wondered if some one beside you could be real? Or be a ghost, spirit, or apparition? People say they pass us everyday in the streets. Unless they’re dressed differently we wouldn’t even notice.

This is Lili’s story. She was with four other friends driving through the country side very late at night. In the pitch blackness they passed a stranger walking on the road carrying an old lamp. It wasn’t until they got home that they noticed that he was actually dressed quite differently. Almost like someone from the middle ages.

Did they really pass a stranger or something else? An apparition, a ghost, a spirit, or was it perhaps a time slip passing through two time dimensions?

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

What do think? Have you had any strange experiences like that? Comment below.

Don’t forget to visit our affiliate shop, The Psychic Tree. They are UK #1 Spiritual Shop with a wide range of spiritual products. You’ll be able to even get protection!  THE PSYCHIC TREE

Take a look at our Bric a Brac Shop for the Chakra Energiser T-Shirt range. To help align your energies with your chakras. https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

Join our FB community where like minded people like you can mix and share your thoughts: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thebricabracshop

If you have had any experiences you’d like to tell us, paranormal, mysterious, or other, please get in touch. I’d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at: info@thebricabracshop.com

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







The Basics About Crystals



25 February 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

What is a crystal? Just a piece of rock or stone? Crystals are made deep down in the earth’s crust millions of years ago and started as molten rock. Over time these have cooled, and depending on what elements make them up they formed into the different crystals.

Their shapes depend on their molecular structure. To be a certain element, the molecules have to form in a certain pattern. Then the elements keep combining in the same strict pattern to form the crystal. eg: to form a clear quartz crystal the molecules of silicon and oxygen have to combine in a particular pattern. Then they attracted more of the same molecules in the same strict pattern and so produce the quartz crystal in it’s hexagonal shape. This starts in the microscopic level and just grows to sizes that we can see.

Everything has vibrations. Crystals have one of the most stable and reliable vibrations. Human’s have vibrations that can vary. When they are off we can get sick or begin to attract negativity. Crystals can help in healing. They can regulate our vibrations and making us realigned and whole again.

It’s also could to keep the crystals cleansed and recharged so they can continue their good work.

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

What are your experiences with crystals? Comment below and let us know.

If this has interested you in getting some crystals, have a look at our affiliate link to The Psychic Tree. They are UK #1 Spiritual Shop with a wide range of spiritual products.   THE PSYCHIC TREE

Also visit our Shop for the Chakra Energiser T-Shirt range. To help align your energies with your chakras. https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

Also join our FB community where like minded people like you can mix and share your thoughts: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thebricabracshop

If you have had any experiences you’d like to tell us, paranormal, mysterious, or other, please get in touch. I’d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at: info@thebricabracshop.com

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







Timea chats about Magic and the importance of Protection


17 February 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

Timea has had experiences with ghosts and spirits through the years. Now we delve that bit more further with her on her views on protection with magic. Everyone should have some protection when dealing with magic, even going out so not to pick up on negative energies.

Is magic much different from manifestation? Some of the magic we discussed is very similar to methods of manifesting. Maybe manifesting and magic are the same? After all it’s getting what we want.

In fact you can you can get so in-tuned with your emotions that you can can control your surroundings.

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

What do you think? Have you had similar experiences?

Timea is also a Life and Business Coach. Coaching for a successful and balanced life. You can find out more about her from her profile: https://www.facebook.com/Timea.Ashraf6388/

She also has a new 6 day Content Creation Challenge for small business owners starting on Monday 22 February. If you’d like to participate sign up at:         https://form.jotform.com/Timea6388/content-creation-challenge-2021

Also visit our Shop for the Chakra Energiser T-Shirt range. To help align your energies. https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

As well as our new affiliate Spiritual Store. The Psychic Tree – The UK #1 Spiritual Store. A wide range of spiritual products. Also with international shipping. Click HERE.

Also join our FB community where like minded people like you can mix and share your thoughts: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thebricabracshop

Also if you have had any experiences you’d like to tell us, paranormal, mysterious, or other, please get in touch. I’d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at: info@thebricabracshop.com

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







7 Tips to Protect You Against Negative Energies



8 February 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

Negative energies are everywhere. You don’t have to feel scared. It won’t impact us if we have the protection.

When we go out and pass people, visit different environments, even people’s thoughts can affect us. There are so many ways that we can unknowingly pick up on negative energies.

There are many ways to protect ourselves. Here are 7 tips.

The Cloak of Protection
Cleansing with sage or palo santo
White Light Protection
Bubble Protection
Declutter for Protection

These are just 7 methods, but if you use at least one of them it will help in your protection.

Click on the image to be taken to the YouTube video

Also this week I’m proud to say that we launched the Facebook Group THE BRIC a BRAC SHOP. It is a place where like minded people like you can ask questions to the Unknown and where you can mix and share you thoughts. Also if you join you can get a DOWNLOADABLE PDF copy of 7 Tips To Protect You Against Harmful Negative Energies Around Your Body just by joining our Facebook Group.


We have also affiliate with the Spiritual shop, The Psychic Tree. One shop I have been impressed with. Inexpensive, wide range, and they do ship worldwide. Spiritual products ranging from incense, candles, crystals, books, just check their website for their collection at this link: THE PSYCHIC TREE

Also don’t forget our own Bric a Brac Shop with our own spiritual Chakra t-shirts to help maintain your spiritual balance. https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

If you have had any experiences you’d like to tell us about, paranormal, mysterious, or other, please get in touch. I’d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at: info@thebricabracshop.com

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. If you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell and notification so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







The Toilet Ghost and Other Encounters


31 January 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

We speak to Timea, originally from Hungry, who has had some paranormal encounters through her life. Starting from a young age she has been able to sense or pick up on things. She tells us about the haunted toilet at her school! The events that took place and elsewhere there.

Then later on her encounter with a spirit in her Studio, and her young daughter later seeing things. Join us to hear Timea’s stories.

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

Have you had similar experiences?

Timea is also a Life and Business Coach. Coaching for a successful and balanced life. You can find out more about her from her profile: https://www.facebook.com/Timea.Ashraf6388/

She also has a new 6 day Content Creation Challenge for small business owners at the end of February. If you’d like to participate get in touch with her. Details for her at: https://form.jotform.com/Timea6388/content-creation-challenge-2021

Also join our FB community where like minded people like you can mix and share your thoughts:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/thebricabracshop

Also if you have had any experiences you’d like to tell us, paranormal, mysterious, or other, please get in touch. I’d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at: info@thebricabracshop.com

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

As a special bonus, if you haven’t accessed it yet, we have a FREE online TAROT reading for you. I’ve managed to arrange this for my readers. Just click this link: FREE TAROT READING

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







The Secret – Dare To Dream Review


30 January 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

Have you seen the film, The Secret – Dare To Dream yet? Based on the book, The Secret. Unlike the previous film released back in 2006 which is more of a documentary, this new 2020 version is the teachings and practices of The Secret on a fictional family.

Miranda (Katie Holmes) is a widow with three kids. Works in a seafood restaurant, and has problems, especially with finances. Doesn’t help when she accidentally drives into the car in front, or does it? The driver is Bray (Josh Lucas) who takes the other reaction and actually helps her, fixing her car and later her house when the hurricane comes by.

Is this The Secret working? I have a quick look at the film in my latest episode.

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

Have you seen it yet? If so, what did you think? Write your comments, but no spoilers please.

We also have a new Facebook Group for The Bric a Brac Shop. More on our mysterious topics and a space for like minded people.

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

As a special bonus, if you haven’t accessed it yet, we have a FREE online TAROT reading for you. I’ve managed to arrange this for my readers. Just click this link: FREE TAROT READING

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop








What I Found With Randonautica



18January 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

Have you gone Randonautiing yet? That’s the new app that you can download onto your phone. Launched about a year ago now. You put out your intention, generate the coordinates, and it will direct you to your intention.

How good is it? Is it just a numbers generator? You can see on Tik Tok, Reddit, and Youtube, videos of people going on hunts to find what they’ve put out there in their intention. Though, usually a lot of people’s intentions have been on the darker side, like for creepy, scary, blood, death! What about the good positive ones?

I decided to give it a try. You can watch the video and see how I went. Have you had any experience with it? Were you successful?

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

If you have had experience and would like to tell us about it, get in touch. We’d love to interview you. Also if you have had any other experiences like paranormal or mysterious, or any other. Just contact me at the email address below. Info@thebricabracshop.com

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

As a special bonus, if you haven’t accessed it yet, we have a FREE online TAROT reading for you. I’ve managed to arrange this for my readers. Just click this link: FREE TAROT READING

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







Can Randonautica Manifest Your Intentions?



12January 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

Have you heard of the new app Randonautica? Actually not that new as it was around at the beginning of 2020 to get people out and about.

It’s gained popularity from Tik Tok and Reddit for finding things that people put their intentions into. That’s supposed to be from money to dead bodies! Also more videos are available now on YouTube.

You download the app onto your phone. Think of an intention. Then press ‘Generate’. It’s supposed to work with your thoughts and using the quantum metrics to generate the coordinates to find your intentions. You then proceed to go out and find it.

You have a selection whether you want to find a high density of quantum dots or a low density, or something in the middle. The Coordinates are generated by the ANU – Australian National University. This selection decides where to take you.

People who go out on the Randonautical adventures are known as Randonauts. There are now countless videos made on it. Lots actually with the intentions of scary, ghostly, eerie, death, etc. There are a few on the positive side like money and fairies. Also there are those that just don’t find anything.

Watch the video. I’ve taken some clips from the different areas to give you an idea of the experiences of Randonautica.

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

Have you tried it yet? Let me know in the comments. Also if you’d like to tell us your experiences with it.

Also if you have had any other experiences like, paranormal, mysterious, or other, please get in touch. I’d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at the email address: info@thebricabracshop.com

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

As a special bonus, if you haven’t accessed it yet, we have a FREE online TAROT reading for you for a limited time. I’ve managed to arrange this for my readers. Just click this link: FREE TAROT READING

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







2021 New Year Purpose



30 December 2020


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

We’re all glad to see the end of 2020. What a year! A year that’s literally turned things up side down and changes to our way of life.

Maybe it’s whar we’ve needed.  I feel 2020 is a year of cleansing.  Wiping away the old, bad routines, and baggage.  Now to bring in 2021 where it will be where we need to be productive, at lest in our own space to make 2020 a success.

This year has herald in work from home, the ease of digital commerce ie: online shopping and communication. These will become the norm. Something that was already happening but 2020 speeded up the process.

We’ve seen a few devastations. Needless deaths, people getting sick, companies closing. The void of sporting events, theatres, travel, and hospitality industries.

It’s made us think about life, and our environment. I feel 2021, with everyone practising hygiene, social distancing, wearing masks, and with the new vaccine, once people feel safe again there will be a boom period. We’ve seen it in the past with past catastrophes eg:war. Societies have rebounded with a boom period.

When things open up again. Companies will need to establish themselves again and so will need new staff. People want to get out and mix again. So I feel a boom period of people going out and mixing and even going back to clubs to get away from the drab doldrums of being house bound for so long.

That’s what I feel. If we continue our safe practices, imagine this time next year. Living our lives again.

Thanks for being part of our channel, The Bric a Brac Shop, through the year. I am really appreciated for your patronage. I wish you a very Happy, Successful, Recovery 2021!

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

Let me know what you think? How you’ve seen 2020 and how we’ll go in 2021?

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

Also if anyone has had any experiences of ghostly encounters, paranormal experiences, manifestations, and would like to share please get in touch with the link below. info@thebricabracshop.com

As a special bonus, if you haven’t accessed it yet, we have a FREE online TAROT reading for you. I’ve managed to arrange this for my readers. Just click this link: FREE TAROT READING

Happy Successful 2021!

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop




