
Does Sound Vibrations explain the Law of Vibrations and…



31 May 2021


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

Sound vibrations, the law of vibrations, the law of attraction, are they all interconnected? We know that sound is vibrations travelling through a medium, eg: air, water, solid, arriving at a receiver that can pick up the sound.

There are many frequencies to sound. Infrasound that is sound that is below the hearing range of 20hz. Some that can be dangerous to the human body. 20-20,000kkz is the range that we can hear. Above 20,000hz is ultrasound. Some animals and insects can hear in that range. Dogs can hear about 45khz, cats about 64khz, and bats around 100khz, even up to 200khz. Also many insects, so they can escape being a bat’s prey. Maybe spirits vibrate at a high frequency and that’s why they say animals can detect spirits.

When you get into the higher frequencies like around the 3-4ghz, they can be used to create images as in medical use with ‘Ultrasound’. They can see within the body.

Different frequencies affect the people differently. 7hz is the most dangerous affecting the human body. Then as you go up the scale, different frequencies create vibrations in the body and mind that can help to align us. The healing frequencies. They help to align our chakras, align our body, and put us back into the right state of well being This gets us onto the right higher level to manifest and attract like.

The vibrations of sound could be a great explanation on how the vibrations of manifestation works.

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What do you think? Can you see a resemblance? Do you think there’s a correlation?

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Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







Second Lockdown in England



9 November 2020


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

We’re almost through the first week of the second Lockdown in England. How are you coping, if you’re here. Some of you may been through a second Lockdown elsewhere and some of you may be lucky not to get one.

Looks like we’ve had practice so to speak as it seems more people this time are still going about their business. Essential shops are open, like supermarkets, chemists, hardware stores, and this time some restaurants are open for take away. We’ve noticed now more cars and people on the streets than back in April.

We also wonder about manifesting. Not so much the virus, but the situation so we achieve our goals eg: work from home. So many are now working from home. Saves money and convenient for the lack of the peak hour commute. In hind sight, did we manifest this?

Which makes us realise is it doesn’t matter the situation it’s our perception of the situation that matters. If we have the thought that these situations are working for us and not against us, it’s easier to accept. We are more in a ‘positive vibe’ and therefore our energies and vibrations are higher, thus making it easier to achieve our desires.

What do you think?

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

Do you think there’s much difference between out two Lockdowns?

Also if you have any strange, paranormal stories you would love to share, please get in touch. I’d love to interview you, or anonymously if you prefer. Just contact me at the email address below.

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

As a special bonus, if you haven’t accessed it yet, we have a FREE online TAROT reading for you. I’ve managed to arrange this for my readers. Just click this link: FREE TAROT READING

Also Chakra Energizer T-Shirts: https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts

For our introductory 20% discount offer, including shipping and taxes – Enter INTRO2020 at checkout.

The Shop: https://tinyurl.com/BaBS-Shop

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop







The Double Slit Experiment and Manifesting



19 October 2020


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – portal to the paranormal and spiritual.

Here we have the Double Slit Experiment explained, as best as possible. Originally carried out explain Thomas Young’s Wave Theory of Light. How Light is supposed to travel in waves and is explained in his experiment. However on a quantum theory level, this only happens when we are observing the outcome If we are not taking notice it behaves like a particle and not like a wave.

Then compare it to manifesting, as refereed to by The Secret and the teachings of Abraham Hicks. Why when we focus on intentions and it doesn’t manifest? I feel something similar is happening here. Maybe stop forcing the outcome, or concentrating so much?

Click the image to be taken to the YouTube video

What do you think? Have you had success with Manifesting? Let us know below. Or if you’d like to tell us your story let me know. Love to interview you, or if you prefer we can also do this anonymously.. Just contact me at the email address below.

Don’t forget to click the Like button on the video. Also if you’re not subscribed to the YouTube channel, please subscribe and click the bell so you won’t miss a new video, especially if you miss the newsletter.

As a special bonus, if you haven’t accessed it yet, we have a FREE online TAROT reading for you. I’ve managed to arrange this for my readers. Just click this link: FREE TAROT READING

Also Chakvra Energizer T-Shirts: https://tinyurl.com/EnergizerT-Shirts
For our introductory 20% discount offer, including shipping and taxes – Enter INTRO2020 at checkout.
The Shop: https://tinyurl.com/BaBS-Shop

Stay well and happy.



Tom Scott


The Bric a Brac Shop




