
News from 28 November 2017


28 November 2017


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – webseries.

A shop where you can get enchanted things. But, beware where they’re come from.

Hope you’re enjoying the updates on our Indiegogo crowd funding page. Hopefully with the funds we’ll be able to get equipment to help make filming easier and go from Gorilla Filming to a professional standard. We can use proper lighting and equipment. We had to cut corners but still got some great filming. For example our scene on Helen. Close up on her face contemplating the future and the camera pulls out to reveal her sitting on a couch all by herself (above). Normally that would be filmed on a ‘dolly’. That is the camera sits on a tripod fixed to a platform set on wheels sliding on two rails. A bit like a railway carriage. We couldn’t afford equipment like that so we made with what we had.

I call it ‘Skateboard Cam’. We had put together a couple of planks of wood. Taped them to two skateboards and had the camera set up on it. We used it to move away from our subject creating the same effect as using a ‘dolly’.

Of course filming would be easier if we could just get the equipment we needed instead of thinking ways around to get the same desired effects. This is where funding will help. With your support we can get the 1st series of THE BRIC A BRAC SHOP off the ground. Get great equipment, pay cast and crew, and have some entertaining footage for you to watch. Of course, if we don’t hit our target we can use it to compensate our cast & crew on Perfect Picture and make the new episodes that we can. Please help.

Thanks for joining us on this journey.

Thomas Scott

The Bric a Brac Shop




