
The Memory in my Object



1 August 2020


Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – paranormal webseries.

I was tidying my room and about to throw a few things out when some certain things started to bring back memories! They were cherished memories. In fact it was just a cardboard box and brought back the memories of it belong to my Mum, and when I was a child. In fact I think I still have it around somewhere but the box felt so special as it unlocked a whole vault of memories. Obviously I couldn’t throw the box away and kept it again.

Why do we do this? I suppose it’s the same as memories created with emotion, and stored in the mind. Later the mind retrieves the memory when the right trigger comes along to recall it. Which makes me wonder, will I throw out the memory if I throw out the box and don’t have the memory trigger any more?

However, is this the same as psychometry? Psychometry is the unofficial science of being able to read, or sense, the energy of an object. The object here however has absorbed the energy and contains the experience and surrounding energies that it’s been exposed to. Some people are able to sense or read them.

We don’t know yet how this happens. Ancient cultural traditions say that if we focus enough we can send our energies into the object. Then the object will have the energies and even radiate it later.

Brown the Illusionist in one of his episodes carried out an interesting experiment. He wanted to see if we created our own luck. He placed a statue of a dog and said it was lucky. People would go up to it, rub its nose, and people would say they got lucky! Was this mind over matter, or everyone’s belief that it was lucky actually energised it so it did bring good luck to those touching it?

Can we energise things? After all there are priest blessings? Blessing an object so only good comes of it. And the blessing of water which has been proven by a Japanese scientist. Talking to the water and blessing it, actually changes the water molecules changing their structure. So the Holly water which has been blessed; is it now special?

Showing that our thoughts have power. Can we energise objects as well? Random objects that are haunted or possessed are they really energised with someone’s initial intentions? Or have absorbed their owners or surrounding energies? There are countless stories.

So my box, my memories? Or have I now energised it as well. Will someone with the power be able to pick it up and sense my memories in it?

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Keep well and happy!



Tom Scott 


The Bric a Brac Shop




