Merry Christmas 2020
24 December 2020
Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – The Portal to the Paranormal & Spiritual via Quantum Physics.
This is year has been a challenging year. We’re nearly at the end of it. If you’re reading this, you’ve survived it! Congratulations! (Just a few more days to go.) It proves that no matter how much we complain or hate it, we do come out the other end and usually better, even if we can’t see it as yet. As someone said these challenges are not at us, but for us. They are there usually to make us move on, as we’ve not seen our path, or become stagnant, or stubborn. I hope we’ve taken on the challenges of 2020 and moved on and turned our negatives into positives.
I also want to thank you for following and being part of The Bric a Brac Shop. Next year I hope to add more things to this platform. Stay tuned!
Meanwhile, I hope we all take this Christmas Holiday season and be Thankful for what we’ve achieved this year, rejoice, and enjoy it, the best we can. (I know some of us will be celebrating in Lockdown. I will be.)
Best wishes, and for a Happy Recovering 2021!
Tom, from the Shop.
Tom Scott