Updated Bric a Brac website
1 August 2019
Thanks for subscribing to The Bric a Brac Shop – paranormal webseries.
We’ve updated the Bric a Brac Sop website. Simple and straight to the point. Let me know what you think. The Bric a Brac Shop.
It will incorporate a YouTube Channel where you can see the bizarre, strange, and paranormal stories. This should be launched in the next week or two. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel so you won’t miss our stories. Below is our promo.
Also a shop where we will have unusual merchandise on sale. Let us know what you would like to see available in store! Strange toys? Dolls> Amulets and jewelry of protection? Spiritual products and cleansing teas or such? Like to know your thoughts.
Also our story on what was supposed to be our webseries. Now on hold. Hopefully we’ll get that going at a later date. However the award winning pilot episode is still available to be watched there, as well as behind the scenes, and other information on the Bric a Brac Shop.
Thanks fro being with us on our journey of transformation.
See you soon,
Thomas Scott