A supernatural thriller web series inspired from the old folklore that objects retain the energies of their owners.
Our pilot episode PERFECT PICTURE. Helen (Hebe Renard) finds an object from The Bric a Brac Shop. A preserved old magazine. A catalogue that can get you anything you want. Where will it lead to? Where will it stop? Be careful of what you ask for.
Developed with the aid of Raindance UK, Fast Track course. The pilot was the launch for a series of stories from The Bric a Brac Shop.
Due to a tight budget we had to make do with what we had. For instance instead of a dolly (the tracks that we slide the camera on) we made do with the tripod strapped to two skate boards for the dolling out scene of Helen sitting on the couch as she contemplates the outcome of the magazine.
We had to make do with basic facilites. Jouni Uotinen editing at home on his computers. He won an award for this editing.
Due to a lack of funding it will be a while before we see further episodes. In the mean time, you can watch our YouTube channel for stories on the Paranormal, Strange, and Spiritual.Also subscribe for news from the Shop and updates of other stories of our journey with the making of this series.